Monday, August 3, 2009

Accepting a "New Normal'

Today we met with the Dr. and learned that the issues that brought us to the point of this surgery can be controlled with meds. Out of respect for his privacy I will allow Stewart to share what he wants on that topic. But, it was good news, and my mind is greatly relieved. I see Light at the end of this tunnel, and He has indeed been very good to us. In fact, He has always been very good to us.

Stew walked for the first time today - just a few steps - and commented at how exhausting it was. Headaches are a daily thing, but again, grateful for the pain meds that regulate and control them.

He was also very sober today. I can see that he wants to do much more than he is able, and that is hard to see. But wow! We have experienced a huge journey in such a short amount of time. There is no "microwave fast" recovery for brain surgery. I am grateful for those few steps, and that he will be out of ICU soon as all continues to go well.

'We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds." Psalms 75:1

How grateful I am for the wonderful things God does every day - every hour - for Stew. The girls and I are doing well, getting plenty of rest, and trying to be as normal as possible. :)

Have a great evening,

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