Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Slowly but Surely...

I haven't updated much this week - we are in the slow curve of recovery, and I really don't want to bore you with statements like, "Stewart walked from one room to the other today." That just isn't very exciting! ;)

However, we are slowly returning to normal life. Jasmine went back to school yesterday, Stewart's mom returned to New Mexico this morning after staying 3 and a half weeks, and I went to my own first day of teacher inservice at school. Also, Stew stayed alone today for the first time for a couple of hours, and did just great. He is up most of the day now which is tremendous progress.

By far the biggest challenge is his desire to return to work, and the headaches. The headaches are fewer and farther between, and for the most part, not as intense. He talks about returning to the things he loves doing often, and we are steadily putting the events of this past 5 weeks behind us.

I know we all need to return to normal life and I am quite anxious for a routine, school starting next Monday, and Stewart returning to his own work before long. In fact, I can't wait to be bored! I will welcome normal, normal, normal. And yet I often think of the many friends in my life that weren't able to return to "normal" after their loved one became ill or hurt. Stewart's cousin lost his life in June in a car accident, leaving behind a family. My own mother died of cancer. Life doesn't come with guarantees, and I am deeply aware of this fact.

So, for now, we appreciate deeply the gift of restoration that is ours.

Enjoy the little things!


  1. Denise,
    I have been thinking about you and I will be praying for you and Stewart as you go back to work.

    Take care,

  2. Denise,
    I too continue praying for you as you return to work and as Stewart tries to wait patiently or maybe not so patiently to also return to work.

    This has been a busy, busy week and only today did I have time to check out how all of you are doing.

    We are rejoicing with you in all the little and big things God continues to do through Stewart's recovery.

    STay the course and I know God will bring full healing and restoration to normalcy in His time.

    We love you,
    Tom and Becky
